

英漢字典: knock out

1. stun;render unconscious擊昏

    He received a blow on the head which knocked him out. 他頭上被打了一拳就昏倒了。

    The falling ladder hit him on the head and knocked him out. 梯子倒下來擊中了他的頭部,把他打昏過去了。

    The boxer knocked his opponent out. 拳擊運動員把對手擊暈。

2. eliminate from a competition;defeat an opponent by knocking him out of the fight 從比賽中排除

    He was knocked out in the second round of this tournament. 他在第2輪比賽中就被擊敗了。

    He has now knocked out most of the other competitors. 他現在已經壓倒了多數其他競賽對手。

3. empty by knocking 磕幹淨

    After knocking out his pipe, the old man went on with his story. 老人把煙鬥裡的煙灰磕幹淨後,又繼續講故事。

4. overwhelm with surprise使震驚;使驚得發呆

    For a moment she was completely knocked out by the news. 這條消息一下子就使她驚得目瞪口呆。

    The beautiful scenery really knocks me out. 這美麗的景色簡直把我給迷住了。

5. play(a tune) rather unskillfully on the piano不熟練地彈鋼琴

    I am not a very accomplished pianist, but I can knock out a tune. 我不是一個好的鋼琴演奏者,但能勉強彈奏一曲。

6. create or finish roughly or hastily粗率地或匆忙地創作成或完成

    He knocked out a plan in half an hour. 他半小時就草擬出一個計劃。

    She knocked out ten letters in one evening. 她一個晚上寫了10封信。

7. make inoperative; destroy使不能使用;破壞;損壞

    The telephone communications were knocked out by the storm. 電話線被風暴摧毀了。

    The power supply system knocked out by the typhoon has been repaired. 被台風刮壞的供電系統已經修復。

8. make sb. exhausted使(某人)疲勞;使(某人)累垮

    He knocked himself out with excessive work. 他工作過度,把身體累垮了。

9. do one's best; exert oneself to the utmost盡最大努力;竭盡全力

    He knocked himself out cramming for the exams. 他正竭盡全力趕功課準備應試。

    The workers knocked themselves out to fulfil their production quota ahead of time. 工人們為提前完成生產指標,把全部氣力都使上了。

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